How to Make Money on YouTube for Free? Your Comprehensive Guide.

How to Make Money on YouTube for Free? Your Comprehensive Guide.

How to Make Money on YouTube for Free? Your Comprehensive Guide.

 Have you ever wondered if you could turn your creativity and passion into a sustainable source of income? There's no doubt you've considered using YouTube, the most popular platform offering immense opportunities for content creators to turn their passion into profitable projects. Millions of people watch videos on YouTube daily, making it a common source of income. So today, we’ll teach you how to make money on YouTube.
 But the question is, how can you start your own YouTube journey and earn some income from your passion? While creating a YouTube channel is simple, turning it into a stable source of income is not. You might earn your first hundred dollars by selling something or securing a sponsorship deal, but maximizing profits requires understanding all the available options before diving in.

The Best Ways to Make Money on YouTube:

 In this article, we’ll guide you through all the information you need to know to make money on YouTube and provide you with the most important tips and tricks to help you achieve this goal. Let’s get started!
  1. Join the YouTube Partner Program
  2. Join YouTube Premium with your channel
  3. Offer channel memberships to subscribers
  4. Affiliate marketing through your channel
  5. Monetize live streams through Super Chat
  6. License your content to media outlets

1. Join the YouTube Partner Program:

 If you want to make money on YouTube, it’s essential to be familiar with the YouTube Partner Program and how it works. YouTube content creators cannot monetize any of their videos until they are accepted into the YouTube Partner Program.
 When your YouTube channel reaches 1,000 subscribers and at least 4,000 watch hours, it will be reviewed for inclusion in the Partner Program. This means you won’t be able to generate any revenue until you reach these numbers, so it’s crucial to keep creating content and expanding your channel’s audience. Once these conditions are met, you can apply to join the YouTube Partner Program and start earning money.

To join this program, you can follow these steps:
  1. Log in to the YouTube account you wish to monetize.
  2. Click on your account icon in the top right corner, then click on YouTube Studio.
  3. From the left menu, select Other Features, then Monetization.
  4. Review the terms of the Partner Program and click “Agree.”
  5. Link your existing AdSense account or create a new one for your channel.
  6. Set your monetization preferences.
 After completing these steps, open the “Analytics” tab on the left. On the next screen, select Revenue from the top and scroll down until you see the estimated monthly revenue chart. This graph will give you an idea of your expected monthly earnings.

Does the Number of Views Affect How Much Money You Can Make on YouTube?

 The number of views your videos receive does not directly correlate with your earnings within the YouTube Partner Program. If your videos get thousands of views but no one clicks on your ads, you won’t make any money. YouTube also has specific payment criteria for publishers displaying ads on their channels, where viewers need to either click on the ad or watch it in full for them to earn money.
 However, there’s good news for those just starting their journey to making money on YouTube. It’s no longer just about ads to earn revenue. There are now features like YouTube Premium that help you make money even if viewers don’t click on ads, which brings us to the second method.

2. Join YouTube Premium with Your Channel:

 How can you make money on YouTube without relying on ads? YouTube Premium is the solution.
 Simply put, YouTube Premium is a paid membership service that allows users to watch ad-free videos. Content creators don’t need to do anything extra, as they automatically receive a secondary income stream when YouTube Premium members watch their videos.
 As with YouTube’s ad-based monetization rules, most of the revenue generated from premium membership fees goes to the content creators, with the total revenue distribution depending on how many premium members watch your content.
 Premium members also have the option to download your videos, play them in the background, and watch them offline, which contributes to increased watch time and, therefore, higher earnings.

3. Offer Channel Memberships to Subscribers:

 You can generate additional income from YouTube by offering premium memberships to your channel subscribers for a fee. As the channel owner, you have the freedom to set the monthly membership fee, which can range from a few dollars to a higher amount depending on the value you provide to your members.
 In other words, you’ll offer your followers the opportunity to pay a monthly fee in exchange for a premium membership that includes perks like early access to videos, members-only live chat, exclusive emojis, and more. Additionally, members will be highlighted in comments and live chats through special badges exclusive to them.

If your content is truly engaging, and given that the audience is well aware of how difficult it is to get a content creator’s attention or interact with them directly on YouTube, some of them may be willing to pay a fee for easier communication with the creator.
 As the number of subscribed members increases, these recurring monthly payments can become a steady source of income, adding to your overall earnings. This can be especially beneficial for content creators who might experience fluctuations in ad revenue or are looking to diversify their monetization strategies.
 However, to take advantage of this feature, your YouTube channel must first have more than 30,000 subscribers. Be sure to use your videos to remind viewers that they can become exclusive members by clicking the "Join" button on your channel, and that’s how you can make money on YouTube.

4. Affiliate Marketing Through Your Channel:

 Affiliate marketing is one of the ways to earn money on YouTube. It refers to earning a commission by promoting a product or service offered by another brand. Companies are well aware of the potential that YouTube channels with a large following possess, and they are always looking to leverage that to grow and market their businesses. Therefore, once you have a substantial number of followers on your channel, companies are likely to reach out to you and ask you to promote their products in exchange for money. This is undoubtedly a great way to generate some extra income, but be cautious when doing so, as promoting poor-quality products can harm your credibility with viewers.
 Consider partnering with these brands and incorporating their products into the videos you create. You can also join popular affiliate programs to expand your network of affiliates. For example, ClickBank is a well-known affiliate program that offers commissions ranging from 1% to 90%, depending on what the seller determines.

Read also: Affiliate Marketing: The Comprehensive Guide to Earning Money from Affiliate Marketing

5. Monetizing Live Streams Through Super Chat:

 Super Chat is a new and popular way to earn money from YouTube. This feature allows your audience to purchase highlighted chat messages, which, in certain cases, are pinned at the top of the comments section during live streams. So, when you start a live broadcast on YouTube, you can use Super Chat to monetize your stream.
 The monetization rates for YouTube Super Chat range from $1 to $500, with YouTube taking a 30% cut of the revenue. For anyone wondering how to profit and make money from YouTube Super Chat, the key is to organize and promote your live streams effectively.
 Promote this feature in your videos, on other social media platforms, and anywhere else your audience likes to spend time with.

6. License Your Content to Media Outlets:

 If you create a viral video that gains widespread popularity, you can license your content for use by other platforms in exchange for money. Media outlets such as TV shows, online news websites, and other content creators may contact you for the rights to use your videos if they go viral.

To take advantage of this opportunity, follow these two steps:
  • Step One: Keep your contact details updated on your "About" page so that you can be easily reached.
  • Step Two: Register with a video rights marketplace like Jukin Licensing.

You can easily list your videos on Jukin Licensing, making it easy for the right people to find and purchase your content. This site is a great place to start. Even if you don’t have a viral video, media outlets often need random footage from videos to complete their reports. For example, Jukin has a whole catalog of videos that you can contribute to, whether you have exclusive footage of a major natural disaster, a plane crash, rare scenes, or other clips that can be used in media.

How to Make Money on YouTube Despite the Competition?

 When looking for ways to earn money on YouTube, remember that you're not the only one doing it. There will also be full-time YouTubers competing for your audience's attention. It's important to keep this in mind when creating content for your channel. You can stand out from the crowd by creating attractive thumbnails and catchy video titles. Remember that YouTube is a highly visual platform, so consistently capturing the viewer's attention with engaging and unconventional scenes will help attract more followers to watch your videos.
 The quality of your audio and video content can also play a key role in your success, as you'll need to shoot your videos professionally. Therefore, keep in mind that you may need to invest some money initially to produce professional content that attracts viewers to your channel.
 You can also overcome the competition by leveraging YouTube SEO. Creating SEO-friendly content for your video descriptions is a great way to generate high traffic to your YouTube channel. You can check out the article "Best SEO Practices to Drive High Web Traffic" for more details.

 Here are some great tips to keep in mind when creating content:

1. Try to Make Your Videos Longer Than 10 Minutes:

 When you create YouTube videos longer than 10 minutes, you have a better chance of earning more money through ad revenue. YouTube videos that are longer than 10 minutes are likely to have higher watch times, which positively contributes to the amount of ad revenue those videos generate.
 Additionally, videos with higher average watch times will appear higher in YouTube search results, meaning there’s a greater chance for users to watch your content.

2. Collaborate with Other YouTubers:

 One strategy you can use to make money from YouTube videos is to collaborate with other YouTubers. This is a great way to increase your presence on YouTube, add unique content to your channel, and expose your content to an entirely new audience. Research active YouTubers in your niche and reach out to them with a great video idea. They are likely to be interested in collaborating, which will help you earn money on YouTube.

3. Create Engaging and Informative Content:

 This is crucial to the success of your YouTube channel. YouTube users are always looking for videos that will entertain them or provide value. If you can offer your audience such video content, they are more likely to watch the entire video and return for more in the future.

Read also: How to Make Money from Writing and Blogging?

4. Make the Most of Your Video Descriptions:

 When writing descriptions for your videos, follow the old journalistic approach: mention the most obvious things first, then work on the less important details. Also, try to explain what viewers will gain by watching the entire video. Finally, use language that your potential audience will understand and connect with.

5. Maintain Consistency:

 When running a YouTube channel, it’s crucial to be present and consistently publish content. When you maintain a steady flow of content for your viewers, they will stay engaged with your channel. This means they will be more aware of your online presence. Taking long breaks may cost you the audience engagement you previously had with your videos.

Read also: 7 Tips to Become a Successful Content Writer

 In conclusion, remember that making money on YouTube isn’t easy, but it’s possible if you have a clear goal, an organized strategy, and a willingness to learn and improve. YouTube can be a rewarding platform for sharing your passion, creativity, and expertise with the world while earning some income along the way.
 However, you should be aware of the challenges, risks, and opportunities that come with being a YouTube content creator. We hope this article has given you some insights and tips on how to make money from YouTube, and that it inspires you to start or grow your channel.