How to Publish Effective Content on Social Media Platforms.

How to Publish Effective Content on Social Media Platforms.

How to Publish Effective Content on Social Media Platforms.
How to Publish Effective Content on Social Media Platforms.

 Promoting your content on social media platforms doesn't happen randomly by merely posting without a strategy.
 Content that garners thousands of comments, shares, and millions of views is based on a deliberate publishing plan to reach a larger audience. Whether you write to make money, influence a broad audience, or simply for entertainment and fun interaction with people, there’s a method to achieving success.
 Before diving into how to publish effective content on different social media networks, it’s crucial to first understand the differences between them. After all, not all platforms operate the same way. Below is a breakdown of the most prominent platforms and the key aspects each focuses on:
  • X: Prefers extremely concise writing and more serious content.
  • Instagram: Prefers brief photo captions.
  • Facebook: A vast playground that accommodates everyone.

What are the Skills Needed for Writing Effective Content on Social Media Platforms?

 Below are some of the skills required to create effective content on social media platforms:

1. Visuals:

 Facebook algorithms and other social networks favor content that includes visuals, such as videos and images, with priority given to videos. This means that if you upload a video or image alongside your content, it will reach a wider audience. However, the visual content must be relevant to the written content.

2. Writing the Headline:

 Just as the saying goes, "Don’t judge a book by its cover," the same applies to your post’s headline—it determines whether your content will attract readers or not. You can publish your content multiple times with different headlines to see which one draws more readers. The more you post, the more you refine your skills.

3. Search Engine Optimization (SEO):

 It’s important to follow SEO rules for writing effective content, as this ensures your content appears at the top of search results for the topics you write about.
Some key SEO rules include:
  • The title should not exceed 55 characters.
  • Keep paragraphs short.
  • Use bullet points.
  • Use keywords in 5% of the total word count of the article.
  • Include images and videos.
  • Encourage subscription to the site, page, or account.
  • Regularly add new content.

4. Audience Analysis:

Your post should be targeted toward a specific group, whether that’s based on age, occupation, location, or other factors. Each group has distinct characteristics and goals that you need to consider when writing.
 For example, if you are promoting a training course for university students, your content should include aspects relevant to them, such as job opportunities, graduate studies, or workplace skills.

Read also: How to Achieve the Goals of Email Marketing Campaigns

5. Touching on Emotions:

 One of the most crucial elements to include in your content is emotions that resonate with your target audience. By emotions, we don't just mean happiness or sadness; expressing solidarity with university students regarding their limited job opportunities is also a form of emotional engagement. The emotions to be highlighted vary according to the audience, and you can only determine which emotions to include after studying and understanding your audience's shared experiences.

6. Find the Ideal Platform:

 Social media platforms are diverse, but the leading platform varies from country to country. For example, Twitter is the top platform in the Gulf, while Facebook holds the top spot in Egypt. This is determined after studying your audience.

7. Optimal Timing:

 Do you expect anyone to read the content you posted on social media if you posted it at three in the morning, for example? It’s likely to be buried under thousands of other posts by the time internet users wake up. The best hours to post are between 7 and 9 PM, and the best days are Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. This doesn't mean you should only post during these times, but save your most important posts for these peak times.

8. Don’t Go It Alone:

 Look for events and times related to your content. For example, the best time to promote training courses targeting university students is after exam season or at the start of the academic year when many students are less consistent in attending classes. If you're writing about historical content, take advantage of the anniversaries of major battles or historical achievements to publish related content.

9. Be Aware of Your Surroundings:

 It's very beneficial to capitalize on current events when publishing your content, such as a funny comment by a celebrity or a controversial statement by a politician, as this can draw more attention from your audience.

10. Hashtags:

 Always keep one or more hashtags ready for your posts, making it easier for readers to find your content and encouraging them to return to it easily. Avoid spelling mistakes in your hashtags and keep them as short as possible.

11. Shorten Links:

 Sometimes you might need to share links, such as to books on language. In this case, it’s best to use a service to shorten the often lengthy link. There are many link-shortening services available, with Bitly being one of the most popular.

12. Consistency:

 Don’t post a hundred times in one week and then leave the next week empty. Plan your posts on specific dates but make sure the plan is flexible. Remember, you’re not posting alone; an average user sees hundreds of posts daily, and your goal is to make your content stand out among those posts. The strategy of overwhelming posts for a period and then going silent, or even overwhelming posts all the time, is not effective. Consistency is key.

13. Proofreading:

 One incorrect piece of information can cost you your audience's trust. Always review the information in your posts, apologize if an unintended error occurs, and correct it immediately. Additionally, proofread your posts, especially for spelling errors. If you're unsure about a grammar rule, make sure to verify it or avoid using it to prevent mistakes.

14. Rewriting:

 After finishing your post, review it. Don’t cling to phrases you love; always look for better expressions that resonate with your audience, even if you don't prefer them. This applies to writing in general and is known in Western writing schools as "Kill your darlings," an important rule often overlooked.

Read also: How to Make Money from Writing and Blogging?

15. End with a Call to Action:

 It’s advisable to include a call to action at the end of your post, such as subscribing to your page or group or sharing comments. This helps to keep your audience engaged with your posts.

 By following these steps, you’ll be able to make your content of higher quality and more engaging for readers and interested parties. If you have other tips and tactics for publishing effective content on social media platforms, feel free to share them with us.